Russian Cultural Music

Commie Music—Good?

Besides the Communism memes, the primary reason Slav gained an interest in studying Russian language and culture was the music. Haunting yet enamoring, melancholic yet optimistic, these melodies invoked a strange nostalgia for a bygone age. Underneath the flaws of the Soviet Union and Communism lay a shared dream of ordinary people working together to better humanity achieve extraordinary feats.

Soviet-Era Songs

Song Name Performed By Link Notes
14 Minutes to Start [1]
(Четырнадцать минут до старта)
Georg Ots YouTube 1
YouTube 2
The unofficial cosmonaut's anthem
And On Mars There Will Be Apple Blossoms
(И на марсе будут яблони цвести)
Vladimir Troshin YouTube A cosmonaut song
And On Mars There Will Be Apple Blossoms the one who Cheeki Breeki YouTube Accordion and vocals cover
Moscow Nights
(Подмосковные вечера)
Vladimir Troshin YouTube One of Slav's personal favorite songs
Moscow Nights the one who Cheeki Breeki YouTube Accordion and vocals cover

[1] Also known as I Believe, My Friends (Я верю, друзья)

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