Inside Slav's Mind

Do You Want to Build a World?

Since childhood, Slav has always been fascinated with studying the Solar System and beyond. Thus he naturally gravitated towards science fiction franchises such as Star Wars and Star Trek.

Recently, Slav discovered the concept of worldbuilding, or creating one's own fictional setting. With his imagination and love for sci-fi, Slav hopes to create a realistic depiction of humanity's future in space and eventually a video game from his universe. View his progress here on World Anvil.

Sci-Fi Recommendations

Below are some of Slav's favorite science fiction intellectual properties (IPs):

Property Title Universe Description Link
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Star Wars These are the unsung heroes of the Clone Wars and their untold stories. Wookieepedia
Andor (Show) Star Wars These are the individuals who paved the way for the Rebel Alliance's victory. Wookieepedia
Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek The future is optimistic, and we are in a golden age of space exploration. Memory Alpha
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Star Trek Peace is fragile, and we must makesacrifices to maintain our paradise. Memory Alpha
The Expanse (Show) The Expanse As humanity colonizes the Solar System, we begin to uncover more about our origins. Expanse Wiki
The Sojourn (Audio) The Sojourn Humanity sets its sights on new worlds as resources dwindle in the Tantalus Cluster. Sojourn Homepage

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